I’ve always been a ropeless homantic. The chocolates, roses and long walks on the beach…
How does one seek the most beneficial healing when they are diagnosed HIV positive?
Having lived with HIV for 16 years, I have found that there are many ways in which we are able to recover from the actual shock and the aftermath of one’s discovery. Living a healthy life with a positive outlook and motivation is the most obvious way to find peace within.
My way of healing never went the way that it should have, however I did succeed and I am now living a normal life with no regrets and the determination of a true Taurus.
To work with people on a daily basis at clinics and on the road, with charities like the Red Cross and St Luke’s Hospice helped me to feel differently about the whole stigma attached to the virus. Seeing little kids smile and cry when they receive a tiny gift or a hug from you, really opens your eyes.
I always walked around feeling as if the world owed me everything, but it was the opposite, I owed the world my help and my experience. The children I spent time with made me see the world as a different place. When you see them and learn about their situations, you kind of understand that you are not the only one that has problems and that your health issue is not even a tenth of what they have to live with.
Some had no mothers, no families and sadly, others never had much time left, but they made do with what they had.
What does this have to do with my health? Well the love I felt for these people, the fear and feelings we shared comforted me and almost reassured me that it will all be okay. Looking into their eyes and seeing life the way they did, with no expectations or huge demands; just love and shelter is what they wanted.
My healing started when I first started on SABC with the Beat It crew and Mindset where I learned that opening up by sharing my experience and past with the world was exactly what made me realise that there was a bigger calling out there for me.
In my life I believe that it is all about choice; you choose the right way and you win, and if you choose the wrong way, you’ll lose. It is about making the right decisions. My choice involves helping many people, and not remaining closeted but giving myself to the world and those that need a voice.
I was the voice for the young children and teens and I still am. I am the ears and eyes for those that need to see in the dark. What do I ask in return? Nothing but the smiles of those that I helped. This memory is what reminds me everyday that I have reason I have to wake up.
This is my way of learning to love and live with myself. If you can find a way to do this too, then you stand a great chance of learning to be who you want to be. Just remember, it won’t get any better unless you make it your choice.
I would like to urge all those that do take part in any form of charity or have any interest in helping others, to please do so. My learning experience with HIV and living a healthier life was taught by the finest doctors in South Africa, Health4Men and WeTheBrave.co.za.
The information they give is free, the services they provide is world-class, and all of this is given to you under one roof.
No matter what your status, get tested and promote safer sex within your community. Together we stand.
This life is not about your health, but about your choices. Help someone and you will see life through my eyes.